Friday, August 22, 2008

Senses on Fire- Mercury Rev

As this song crawls into my ear canals, starting its journey to the middle and inner ears and further on to the ultimate area of my cerebrum, I feel its progression, as though listening to a song in working- almost like being walked through its architecture and engineering piecing themselves together with the highlight of the song laying itself down for me- much to my liking.

The striking thing about it is how it develops itself into an audio complexity having started of with the simple sound of background raindrops. I find the high frequency sound at the beginning of the song to be very inviting. Then it slowly builds itself up to a siren with accompanying characteristic drumming. Characteristic because it reminds me of Joy Division’s She’s Lost Control. I have confirmed this suspicion by playing the two songs back to back, and I am comfortable to say that they sound similar. If you care to argue, do compare yourself. But in no way am I slating Mercury Rev of copying. In actual, I do admire the resemblance because I love how one good song prompts me to another good song. I barely noticed this likeness at first, but after much looping….

The first minute is purely devoid of lyrics. This could be a put off for someone who isn’t an instrumental music enthusiast, unlike me. Although I am sure we all have that one song we love so dearly that has dragging introductory instruments in advance of the words, but we tolerate because it’s just pretty and perfect that way. Well this song enters that category for me (and my list stretches longer than a song). And for me, this song would be fine still even if it turned out instrumental. For those who need lyrics, I don’t have much to offer than “My sense are on fire” and “Ready or not? Here I come!” But this mustn’t be a cause for frustration- limited by amount, the variation of intonation compensates.

The whispering voice comes from a distance, announcing to all, matter-of-factly that “My senses are on fire.” He keeps at this until the very truth of this announcement wakes him up and he tells to himself that his senses are on fire and finally for emphasis, he softly screams to himself “My senses are on fire” (uh-oh!) The urgency of this knowledge is further accentuated by the siren that follows.

Then he says “Ready or not? Here I come” times four. I wouldn’t know if the change in tone in all four times was just vocal sprinkles or if it actually carries any weight. But to my own interpretation, the first time he is informing the other person “I am charging at you with my senses on fire. And off I go!” The second time he sounds like “Whether or not you’re ready, I’m coming at you.” The third time, he stresses on not in “ready or not”, which makes him sound impatient. And at last, he says “Ready or not?” for the sake of formality, without any intention to an answer or to intimidate or to demonstrate irritability; before he finally executes “Here I come!”

Immediately to follow is again his declaration to the world that his senses are on fire. I hear a plea for help which fades weakening, perhaps because nobody is listening or offering anything. Then he exits by repeating the words to himself to serve no purpose at all, almost like a robot malfunctioning and reciting an instruction from its dying brain over and over.

Another attraction to this song is how it begins with low mood music that bounds you to think of it as the theme of the song, however enters a zone of energy and anger with “Ready or not? Here I come” before fading downwards again.

I cannot resist saying to the musicians: well done!

Senses on Fire

ps: My apology,I had trouble putting up the link to Joy Division here, so you're gonna have to work a muscle to find the song.